The best HR teams trust us.
+700M Profiles
Access a database of more than 700 million profiles, including 30 million in France.
+30 Filters
Refine your search using more than 30 filters: skills, estimated salary, seniority...
We respect privacy standards with full GDPR compliance.
How we work in 3 steps
Formulate your search in a few words.
Describe the profile you are looking for in natural language, and Kalent will analyze and find the talent best suited to your needs.
Access hyper-qualified profiles thanks to AI scoring.
Based on your needs and filters, our AI selects the most qualified candidates, reducing your sourcing time by 50%.
Enrich personal information
Get ready to use emails, phone numbers and CVs to contact your candidates.
Optimize your recruitment thanks to our features
+30 filters to refine your search
Source hyper-qualified candidates with our advanced filters in an instant.
AI co-pilot
Broaden your search with our AI co-pilot, who suggests businesses, similar keywords and more so you never miss a qualified profile.
Recruiting campaigns
Launch automated and personalized multi-channel recruitment campaigns via LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Mail.
Work as a team
Collaborate effectively with your team for optimal results.
A solution integrated into your recruitment stack
Multi-canal contact
Connect to your favorite channels in no time.
ATS connection
Connect your favorite ATS to export all your talents in one click.
API integration
Automate your recruitment by connecting Kalent to your favorite tools.
Get 30% of profiles
unidentified on Linkedin
Uncover hidden talents and expand your search beyond LinkedIn.
Frequently asked.
Kalent gives you access to 30 million complete profiles, allowing you to choose from a wide range of potential candidates according to your specific recruitment needs.
We take data protection and GDPR compliance very seriously. We use advanced security measures to protect candidate information and ensure that all data is handled transparently and with the necessary consent.
You can contact candidates directly via Kalent using their email or phone number provided in the verified profile. Additionally, you can download their resume and contact them via LinkedIn, Email, and Whatsapp for direct interaction. Kalent offers customizable AI-based message templates that help you write tailored and relevant messages. You can further personalize them to align them with the tone and content you want for your interactions.
By using Kalent, you can reduce the time spent on sourcing by 50%, or more than 5 hours per week. This is possible thanks to our AI talent search engine, which simplifies the flow of finding and communicating with candidates.
Yes, Kalent integrates with the majority of ATS available on the market. updates its candidate databases every month. This ensures that you have access to the most current and relevant information, allowing you to make informed decisions based on the most current data.
With Kalent
Hire More and Better
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the best talent pool on the market.