Using Copywriting to Write an Attractive Job Offer

Learn how copywriting can make your job offers more attractive to attract top talent. Also, find out what costs and limits should be respected to avoid defamatory ads.

June 21, 2024
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A well-written job offer can make all the difference in capturing the attention of quality candidates.
Copywriting, the art of writing persuasive texts, plays a crucial role in this process.
This article explores how to use copywriting to write an engaging job offer and answers common questions about the costs of hiring an ad writing expert and what limits should not be crossed to prevent the ad from becoming defamatory.

You can also consult our Guide “AI in recruitment” to access our GPT and use AI to write your job offer in one click.

The role of copywriting in a job offer

Captivate Attention from the Title

The job title is the first thing candidates see. It should be eye-catching and accurate. Using relevant keywords and an engaging tone can catch the eye of potential candidates. For example, instead of “Web Developer Wanted”, opt for “Web Developer Passionate about Innovation Wanted”.

Highlighting the Advantages of the Job

Candidates want to know what they will gain by joining your company. Mention the benefits of the position at the start of the announcement: competitive salary, professional development opportunities, pleasant work environment, benefits, etc.
Use positive and dynamic language to make these benefits appealing.

Describe Missions in a Committed Way

Job descriptions should go beyond simple to-do lists. Write smooth, engaging paragraphs that explain responsibilities vividly. Show how each task contributes to the overall goals of the company and to the candidate's career development.

Emphasize Corporate Values and Culture

Top talent is looking for companies whose values and culture align with their own.

Use copywriting to convey your company's unique atmosphere, core values, and vision. For example, if your business values innovation and collaboration, incorporate these elements into your text.

Include a clear call to action

End the announcement with a clear and motivating call to action.

Tell candidates how to apply and encourage them to act quickly. For example, “Send us your resume and a cover letter before June 30 to join our dynamic team!”

Use LinkedIn to Amplify Your Job Offer

LinkedIn is a powerful platform to broadcast your job offers. By using copywriting on LinkedIn, you can reach a larger, more targeted audience.

Post your job offer on your company page and in relevant groups, using catchy titles and engaging descriptions.
Also, take advantage of LinkedIn features, such as InMail messages, to contact potential candidates directly with a personalized and well-written offer. And if you are looking for support on Linkedin, visit This link.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Ad Writing Expert?

The cost of hiring a copywriting expert to write job ads can vary depending on several factors, including the expert's experience, the complexity of the position to be filled, and the duration of the project.

In general, rates can range from 50 to 150 euros per hour. For a complete announcement, the costs can range between 200 and 1000 euros depending on the complexity and specific requirements of the company.

The Benefits of Hiring an Expert

  • Superior quality: A copywriting expert will bring a professional and persuasive touch to your ads.
  • Time saving: Delegating this task allows your team to focus on other aspects of recruiting.
  • SEO optimization: Copywriting experts know how to optimize your ads for search engines, increasing their visibility.

You can also train yourself and your employees at Copywriting.

The Line Between Attractive Ads and Defamatory Ads

Remain Authentic and Transparent

To prevent your ad from becoming defamatory, it's essential to remain authentic and transparent.

Avoid exaggerating the skills required or the benefits offered. Misleading descriptions can not only disappoint candidates but also tarnish your company's reputation.

Respect Laws and Regulations

Make sure your ad complies with all applicable laws and regulations regarding hiring practices. Avoid discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Use a Professional and Respectful Tone

The tone of your ad should always be professional and respectful.

Avoid excessive superlatives or negative comments about former employees or competitors. A respectful and positive approach will strengthen your company's image.

Revise and proofread

Before posting your ad, have it reviewed by several people, preferably including a lawyer or human resources expert, to ensure that it does not contain anything defamatory or misleading.

Copywriting is a powerful tool for writing job offers that attract top talent. By using persuasive writing techniques, you can capture the attention of candidates, highlight the benefits of your position, and prompt action. While the cost of hiring a copywriting expert can vary, the benefits in terms of quality and efficiency are undeniable.

Finally, always be sure to remain transparent and respectful to avoid any form of defamation and to protect your company's reputation.

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