What's new with X-ray searches on LinkedIn?

See how LinkedIn's X-ray search update is transforming hiring strategies. Discover new tools and tactics for finding talent in 2024.

July 22, 2024
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Recent changes on LinkedIn are changing the world of recruiting 🌎. Let's explore what's going on and how it's going to impact your talent strategies.

A closer look at LinkedIn's X-ray search restrictions 🕵️ ‍ ♂️

Why has this method become essential?

The appeal of X-ray searches on LinkedIn was multifaceted.

  • Primarily, it allowed recruiters to bypass the platform's opaque algorithm, which could be influenced by factors such as search history, network connections, or even the user's location, offering unpredictable results.
  • This method provided direct access to profiles, including those well beyond the network circle.
  • Most notably, it facilitated mass sourcing capabilities without requiring a paid account, representing a significant advantage for recruiters looking to maximize their reach and effectiveness in finding candidates.

These qualities made X-ray research a valuable tool in the recruitment toolbox.

What is the change?

X-ray research on LinkedIn is facing unprecedented barriers. 🕵️ ‍ ♂️

Developments at LinkedIn deprive us of the clarity we used to look at profiles. The “Experiences” and “News” sections, which once revealed the professional experience and personal information of users, are now hidden.

This is a major challenge, as finding the perfect candidates now requires increased perseverance.

Why LinkedIn is changing the game 🎲

The push for paid features 💸: LinkedIn's strategy seems to be oriented towards orienting recruiters to its tools for Sourcing fee-paying.

This transition aims to monetize the recruitment process on the platform, significantly affecting those who relied on free X-ray research methods.

The impact of restrictions on sourcing 👀

LinkedIn's move to restrict visibility and possibly deindex profiles is a direct blow to the effectiveness of X-ray searches.

The partial or total disappearance of external search profiles signals a change to more private or semi-private settings.

The challenge is clear: it's about finding new approaches and fully understanding the evolving landscape of X-ray searches on LinkedIn 🧠.

The alternative to the end of X-ray searches on LinkedIn: Kalent AI

With the gradual disappearance of X-ray searches on LinkedIn, Kalent is emerging as a robust alternative for recruiters, offering:

  • Sourcing hyperqualified talent: Upload your job offer and get hyper-qualified talent, top of the list in three clicks with over 30 filters to refine your search.
  • Matching AI: Quickly identify top candidates using AI scoring based on your job offer, eliminating the need to comb through hundreds of profiles.
  • Enriched profiles: Access all the information you need to recruit your talent (professional and personal emails, professional and personal emails, telephone numbers, education, experiences, skills, languages, interests...)

Kalent offers you the strategic solution to these X-ray search restrictions in your sourcing, for better efficiency and precision 🚀🌟.


As the job of recruiter evolves, sourcing and recruiting approaches must also change to discover new opportunities to connect with top talent 🌟.

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